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Could add a new level with spider webs. Spider webs trap the player but are destroyed when crates are pushed out of them.

A second win condition could be that all crates are trapped in webs. This would show up in a different level with no targets and only webs, but there are more webs than targets so the puzzle is to decide which webs you need, and which must be removed.


Also the webs are offencive racist, sexcist and every kind of phobic, so the webs are just black squares.


New player : God

He pushes everything at a time


Also since religion is offencive, God is just a white square lol



needs to be cuter with flowers and rainbow and squirrel



I found out the squirrel is offencive racist, sexcist and every kind of phobic. You need to turn the squirel into a light gray square to make sure no one is offended.

Also the color pallete is the gameboy one.



There is a screenshot on this project and it's the player saying "PUSH OR NO PUSH" deep fried and thicc


Also change the screenshot option to sidebar.


Add Despacito Spider in the game :)



Add another screenshot on the project. It's a player staring at the viewer under a text saying "When someone says Toombler is better than 5381๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚", also deepfried and thicc.