Level 2: Turn this into normal Sokoban.

Puzzlescript Maze is a game where you have to navigate through a maze by altering the code of the game itself. You need to beat the game before altering the code. After you beat the game, you may post a comment with the change you want to make. Valid changes are listed below. However, if you didn't beat the game, then your suggestion will be ignored. How do I know whether or not you beat the game? Well, after you beat the game, a short PIN will appear. Suggestions that don't have the PIN or have an incorrect PIN will be ignored. If the game is impossible, then you won't be able to move, since getting the PIN is impossible.

At any time, you may undo a move, but each person only gets one undo, and if someone tries to undo after an undo, their undo will be wasted. Undos are reset after each level. This system is in place to prevent trolling. Good luck!

Valid changes: Add a line of code. Remove a line of code. Add a character to a line of code. Remove a character from a line of code. "Line of code" should be replaced with the specific line of code you want to change. Same thing with "a character". Things that require multiple lines (i.e. objects) or multiple characters (i.e. "late") will be counted as just one.

Here's the source code: https://auroriax.github.io/PuzzleScript/editor.html?hack=36aba168406c6e0c045572d...


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(2 edits)



[ > Block | Grille ] -> [ Block | Grille ]



@ = BlockGoal

in the LEGEND segment


(1 edit)



all BlockGoal on Block

in the WINCONDITIONS segment






On line 38 (right after EndPoint Green)


Deleted 2 years ago

congratulations! time for level 2


so... 36ae,g-


[ >  Player | Crate ] -> [  >  Player | > Crate  ]


[ <  Player | Crate ] -> [  <  Player | < Crate  ]

right? Oh, but you can't do it all in one line because you can only add/remove a line. So instead of "change", just add the line I suggested, then someone else can solve this and use their move to delete the push line.

Cool concept!